How Mutual Funds Works

Let’s break down Mutual Funds to the basics and keep it simple. Imagine it like a group project where a bunch of people pool their money together. This collective money is what forms a Mutual Fund, and it’s like a team project managed by a pro, called a fund manager.

Think of it as a trust that brings together money from different folks who share the same investment goal. This trust then takes that money and invests it in various things like stocks, bonds, gold, and other financial stuff. Every person in the group gets “units,” which basically represent their share of the fund’s holdings.

Now, here’s the cool part. The profit or gains made from all these investments are shared among the group members, but after covering some costs. They figure out how much each person gets by calculating something called Net Asset Value or NAV.

In a nutshell, a Mutual Fund is like a team effort for regular folks who want to invest. It lets you be part of a diverse investment mix managed by a pro, and the best part? It doesn’t cost a ton! So, it’s like joining a financial club where everyone pitches in for a piece of the investment pie.

Mutual funds are vehicles to mobilise money from investors, to invest in different markets and securities, in line with the investment objectives of the fund and agreed upon by the investor.

Units In Mutual Funds : 

Imagine you and your pals want to buy a box of chocolates for Rs. 40, and the box has 12 chocolates. But here’s the thing: the shop only sells the whole box, not individual chocolates. Since each of you only has Rs.10, you all pitch in Rs. 10 each. That’s Rs. 40 total.
.Now, because you’re a team, you each get 3 chocolates. So, if we call one chocolate a “unit,” it’s like each unit costs Rs. 3.33. It’s just a way of figuring out the price per chocolate in the box!

 Each friend contributed Rs.10, thus he received 3 chocolates i.e. 3 units. Similarly, in Mutual Funds every investor receives a number of
units as per the 
amount he/she invests. Thus in other words every investor in the Mutual Fund is a part owner of the larger pie which is collectively owned by all the unit holders.

A Mutual Fund is not an alternative  investment option to shares or bonds, rather it pools the savings of several investors and invests this money in shares, government and private bonds, gold, real estate, and other type of securities

As an investor, we all want to be part of bigger markets, get expert advice, enjoy convenience, and transparency, and have access to our savings when needed. Now, let’s explore the perks of Mutual Funds and see how they can be the perfect investment solution. 🌟💰

Let’s Count Benefits:

Portfolio diversification :

You know how our older folks always say, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket”? It’s like their way of giving us a smart money tip. Instead of sticking all our money in one place, they’re saying to spread it around, like having different baskets for our money.

Now, think of Mutual Funds as the friendly money buddies. They’re like the cool kids who invest in lots of different things—like stocks, bonds, you name it. So, if one thing isn’t doing great, no worries! The others might help balance things out.

It’s like having a mix of investments to handle the ups and downs together. With Mutual Funds, your money gets to hang out in different places, making your money journey more secure and less risky. It’s like creating a dream team for your money—friends ready to tackle any money adventure! 🌈💰

Liquidity 👍

Let’s break down liquidity by comparing it to real estate. Selling a property can be tough—it takes time, and you might need to sell the whole thing even if you only need part of the money right away.

Take my friend’s story as an example. He bought some land years ago, and it turned out to be worth a lot more. But when he needed to sell it urgently for his daughter’s wedding and to clear debts, it became a huge hassle. For two years, he couldn’t find a buyer at the right price. Deals almost happened and then fell apart. Some buyers wanted to pay with ‘black’ money, which is cash not taxed. But he needed ‘white’ money to repay his bank loans.

To make things worse, the local mafia got involved, demanding a cut. One deal almost worked, but the person backed out, threatening legal trouble. Finally, after a tough journey, my friend found a buyer offering ‘white’ money and got out of his financial mess.

The point is, that even if your investment brings in high returns, it’s not helpful if you can’t access the money when you need it. This is where liquidity comes in—being able to get your money quickly, especially in emergencies. Mutual Funds score here because you can cash out within two business days, unlike the long and complicated process of selling real estate. So, when it comes to getting your money back when you need it, Mutual Funds offer a much smoother and quicker ride! 💸🚀

Transaction cost :

Let’s talk about money stuff in a friendlier way—specifically, the costs. Imagine you’re getting into a financial product, and you need to know what it’ll cost you to get started, stay in, and get out. Now, think about real estate. It’s a bit like a high-maintenance friend. When you buy or sell, you’re shelling out about 1% to the broker, dealing with stamp duty, and later, facing capital gains tax. While you own it, there are yearly bills for taxes, renovations, and upkeep. Every time a tenant moves out, there’s a cost to freshen up the place and don’t forget the rent-free periods while you look for a new tenant.

Now, let’s shift to Mutual Funds. What’s cool about them is that the costs are like a fixed menu—clear, standard, and with limits. For comparison, even buying physical gold can come with extra making costs, eating up 5 to 20% of the original gold value. Mutual Funds, on the other hand, keep it simple with way fewer costs compared to real estate and gold. 🌟💸

Flexibility To Invest In Small Amounts 👍

Here’s the cool thing about Mutual Funds—they’re super flexible. You don’t need a ton of money to get started. If you’re getting a monthly salary, you can try this thing called a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP). Basically, you decide on an amount, even as low as 1000 bucks, and you can invest it monthly or quarterly, whatever suits your budget and convenience. It’s like a budget-friendly dance with your money! 💃💸

Transparency : 

Alright, let’s keep it simple. Mutual funds are like open books, especially for every day and big-shot investors. Here’s the deal: every day, they tell you how much your mutual fund units are worth. It’s like a daily checkup for your investment.

But wait, there’s a monthly treat too! They send you this Monthly Fund Factsheet—it’s like a monthly report card for your money. In this factsheet, you get the lowdown on where your fund managers parked your cash that month. It’s like having a sneak peek into the secret sauce of your investment.

And guess what? There’s more cool stuff in these factsheets, like how your returns measure up to the benchmark and some nifty risk details. It’s like a monthly story time for your money! 📊💡

Tax Friendly :

Investing in ELSS (Equity Linked Savings Scheme) up to ₹1,50,000 can be a smart move because it comes with a tax perk under section 80C of the Income Tax Act. Plus, if you sell your investments within 365 days, you might have to pay a 15% tax on the profits, but if you hold onto them for more than a year, the tax rate drops to a cool 10%. That’s actually lower than what you’d pay on gains from some other types of investments. 📈💰

A Mutual Fund isn’t a replacement for the usual investment suspects like shares or bonds. Instead, think of it as a team player. It gathers the savings of many folks and then cleverly spreads that money across a bunch of different things like shares, government and private bonds, gold, real estate, and other cool financial stuff. It’s like creating a well-balanced mix of investments for everyone involved. 🌐💸

Growealth can be your key partner in building long-term wealth through systematic mutual fund investments. By staying committed to your monthly investment plan, you’re paving the way for a significant sum of money that can turn your financial dreams into reality.

As a market leader in wealth management, Growealth boasts 20 years of valuable experience in financial planning. What sets us apart is our client-first approach. Our team of certified investment advisors, coupled with robust research capabilities, ensures that you receive expert guidance tailored to your unique financial goals. With Growealth, you’re not just investing; you’re crafting a path to a wealthier future. 💼💰

At growealth our objective is to build a robust wealth management ecosystem with an aim to empower every individual to be financially independent, save, and grow their money.