Making Investment

One-Stop Solution
for All Varied
Financial Needs

Manage all your money across investments, Start investing today.

Invest in Stocks

Open free Demat A/c in just 30 min with us and invest in wide range of stocks from NSE & BSE

Invest in
Mutual Funds

Investment in one click, across various schemes
Plan your financial life

Plan Your Goals
Track & Manage Your Wealth

Panoramic View

Get advice on how your existing
investments are performing

Inside & Out Analysis

Get significant insights of
knowledge on your portfolio 

Portfolio Management

Easily oversee ventures and
perceive  how soon you can retire

Financial Planning

Diversify Your Wealth Across Asset Classes

Personal Attention

Dedicated Advisor to manage
your money across asset classes

Asset Re-balancing 

Get significant insights of
knowledge on your portfolio

New  Opportunity Identification

Including tactical and strategic
capital allocation

Advisory Services

Helping you to be better prepared for tomorrow. We help you build a stock portfolio consisting of fundamentally sound businesses that helps you create wealth in the long term.

Contact Us

#464, 11th Cross, 7th Main,
Sadashivanagara Bangalore – 560 080
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At growealth our objective is to build a robust wealth management ecosystem with an aim to empower every individual to be financially independent, save, and grow their money.